Yogavatar® Glow with R2: The Fundamentals of Vinyasa Flow (I) 60min Level-1

Whether you are new to yoga or just new to Yogavatar® the basics of every style are a strong foundation for your practice. Vinyasa fundamentals are short beginners program to get your yoga practice right from the get-go.

Learn how to begin to practice a vinyasa style in a safe and strong way so that you can move through a full class feeling confident and having a better understanding of the postures. You will review something different on each class, from the concept of ujjayi breath to the foundational postures such as downward facing dog, plank pose, chaturanga, upward dog, warrior l, warrior ll, and high lunge.

This is a perfect place to start if you are feeling unsure and a bit overwhelmed with what a full class. Remember that this is just the beginning and the more you practice the easier it will get. So bring your mat and a couple of blocks and let your journey begin.

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Yogavatar® Zen with iRyne: Unlock the 7 Main Chakras (Week-3) Awaken Your Internal Fire for Life Manipura Chakra 60min Level-1

This will be a 7 weeks program, in the sequential order you will practice to unlock one chakra with relevant yoga postures, a mudra and beeja mantra associated with the chakra. You will practice the sequence for that chakra once a day for one week until the next chakra. The Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura Chakra is the third chakra from the bottom, situated about 2 inches above the navel just below the sternum. The third chakra governs your metabolism, and it is responsible for the regulation and distribution of metabolic energy throughout the body. Asides, the fire at our navel center (Manipura Chakra) is vital to our spiritual growth and fulfillment! This class focuses on balancing the abdomen and navel center, your core; which involves building strength and flexibility in your core and in all of the muscles surrounding your stomach. At the end of the class, you will practice Manipura Chakra Mudra and chant the beeja mantra “RAM” associated with Manipura Chakra.

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Yogavatar® Glow iRyne: One-Legged King Pigeon Pose 75min Level-3

This dynamic practice will focus on preparing the body for Apex pose, Eka Pada Raja Kapotanasana (One-Legged King Pigeon Pose). This class creative sequencing will include external and internal hip rotation, shoulder and arms extension in preparation for a challenging deep backbend. This sequence serves to isolate these parts of the body and eventually connect them together for the full expression of the posture. Be sure to take your time, rest if it is too challenging and remember, you can always revisit this practice again. Props suggested: yoga strap.

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Yogavatar® Zen with R2: Affirmation for Courage 60min Level-1 (music background)

We all need courage to face challenges in life—the big ones and the little ones. But where to find this wellspring of courage?  the ancient advice of the Indian sage Patanjali, who said, “When you are inspired by some great purpose, all your thoughts break their bonds: Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be a greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.”

In this 60minutes yoga practice, we will have 5 restorative yoga poses, and we will stay at each pose for 3 minutes, it’s enough for you to relax, repair and rejuvenate your body and mind. While holding at the pose, first you let your body settle into a steady and comfortable position, then you let your body relax and do not move anymore. Then you start to focus on the breath, breathe in and out through your nose slowly and deeply, you can either use natural breathing or ujjayi breathing (Ocean Breath). Slow and deep breath will make your body and mind more relax and calm. R2 will mention an affirmation, mentally repeat the affirmation. Repeating these affirmations over and over impresses the subconscious mind to such a degree that it slowly starts transforming the body to align with the positive thoughts. The session will conclude with a mantra for protection.

Here are the affirmations for finding courage:

  • With every breath I take, I am bringing more and more courage into my life.
  • I allow the courage of my heart to dissolve any fears I experience.
  • I have abundant inner strength and courage.
  • I live my life with confidence and courage.
  • I have the courage to face whatever happens to me.
  • I have the courage to make positive changes in my life.
  • I have the courage to move forward toward my dreams.
  • I honor the courage within me.
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Yogavatar® Glow with R2: Yoga Conditioning for Body and Mind (IV) 60min Level-1

This yoga conditioning series is designed to strengthen your body and mind. We’ll combine yoga conditioning and mindfulness practices to call on our inner strength and build some heat. These practices center on surrendering the parts of ourselves which don’t serve us so that we can start our year with our best foot forward. 

Class Four: R2 opens this yoga conditioning class with a centering practice and gentle warm-up. After that, you’ll move on to sun salutations, total body conditioning training, after that you’ll have nice stretching before we end the session. You’ll then conclude with savasana relaxation.

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Yogavatar® Zen with iRyne: Unlock the 7 Main Chakras (Week-2) Connecting to the Life Force Swadhistana Chakra 60min Level-1

This will be a 7 weeks program, in the sequential order you will practice to unlock one chakra with relevant yoga postures, a mudra and beeja mantra associated with the chakra. You will practice the sequence for that chakra once a day for one week until the next chakra. The Sacral Chakra or Swadhistana Chakra is the second chakra from the bottom, situated about 2 inches below the navel in the region of the lower abdomen. It is associated with the water element that represents fluidity, creativity, movement and aliveness. When the Swadhistana Chakra is balance, you will have lots of orange glow in your aura and people will naturally gravitate towards you! At the end of the class, you will practice Swadhistana Chakra Mudra and chant the beeja mantra “VAM” associated with Swadhistana Chakra. Props suggested: cushion

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Yogavatar® Zen with R2: Affirmation for Wisdom 60min Level-1

Welcome to Yogavatar Zen, a yoga practice for relaxing repairing and rejuvenating your body and mind. Our focus today is “affirmation for wisdom and knowledge”. We will practice with positive affirmations. By repeating the positive affirmation to unleash your inner wisdom.  It is often said, “Change your thoughts, change your life”. It is possible to fill the mind with health thoughts by using positive affirmations. 

In this 60minutes yoga practice, we will have 5 restorative yoga poses, and we will stay at each pose for 3 minutes, it’s enough for you to relax, repair and rejuvenate your body and mind. While holding at the pose, first you let your body settle into a steady and comfortable position, then you let your body relax and do not move anymore. Then you start to focus on the breath, breathe in and out through your nose slowly and deeply, you can either use natural breathing or ujjayi breathing (Ocean Breath). Slow and deep breath will make your body and mind more relax and calm. R2 will mention an affirmation, mentally repeat the affirmation. Repeating these affirmations over and over impresses the subconscious mind to such a degree that it slowly starts transforming the body to align with the positive thoughts. The session will conclude with a mantra asatoma satgamaya- from darkness to light. Lead me from illusion from reality; Lead me from ignorance to knowledge; Lead me from death to immortality.

Affirmations for wisdom:

  • I attract love, wealth and wisdom
  • Wisdom and wealth flow into my life naturally
  • My wisdom gives me the ability to perceive, believe and proceed.
  • I become wiser and smarter with time, and my wisdom grows more and more
  • I open my heart to the wisdom and love of the universe.
  • I radiate wisdom and understanding.
  • I trust my inner wisdom.
  • Divine wisdom flows freely into my life.
  • Every day I open my mind and discover new wisdom
  • My calm mind opens me to inner wisdom.
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Yogavatar® Glow with R2: Yoga Conditioning for Body and Mind (III) 60min Level-1

This yoga conditioning series is designed to strengthen your body and mind. We’ll combine yoga conditioning and mindfulness practices to call on our inner strength and build some heat. These practices center on surrendering the parts of ourselves which don’t serve us so that we can start our year with our best foot forward. 

Class Three: R2 opens this yoga conditioning class with a centering practice and gentle warm-up. After that, you’ll move on to sun salutations, total body conditioning training, after that you’ll have nice stretching before we end the session. You’ll then conclude with savasana relaxation.

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Program: Yoga For Beginner | Chakra Balancing Yoga Nidra Series with iRyne

A sequence to practice before lying down for Yoga Nidra guided meditation. The sequence is created to help release all tight spots and stiffness in the body such that the energy flows freely through the channels through the entire body. With awareness of the breath and the muscles stretched in each posture, you can benefit more when in Yoga Nidra, since the very same muscle that were stretched need to be relaxed, consciously. You will then lie back and be guided through Yoga Nidra. Props suggested: yoga blocks, blanket, cushion

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