Yogavatar® Zen with iRyne: Unlock the 7 Main Chakras (Week-6) Trust Your Intuition Ajna Chakra 60min Level-1

This will be a 7 weeks program, in the sequential order you will practice to unlock one chakra with relevant yoga postures, a mudra and beeja mantra associated with the chakra. You will practice the sequence for that chakra once a day for one week until the next chakra. The Third Eye Chakra or Ajna Cakra is the sixth chakra from the bottom, is located in the middle of your head, between the eyebrows. The Third Eye Chakra controls your ability to perceive, think creatively and use your intuition. It also governs your self-awareness, self-realization, imagination and ability to envision all of your dreams. This class focuses on meditation, affirmation and pranayama as the Third Eye Chakra is more responsive towards such practices. At the end of the class, you will practice Ajna Chakra Mudra and chant the beeja mantra “OM” associated with Ajna Chakra. Props suggested: yoga blocks.

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Yogavatar® Zen with iRyne: Unlock the 7 Main Chakras (Week-5) Speak your Inner Truth Vishuddha Chakra 60min Level-1

This will be a 7 weeks program, in the sequential order you will practice to unlock one chakra with relevant yoga postures, a mudra and beeja mantra associated with the chakra. You will practice the sequence for that chakra once a day for one week until the next chakra. The Throat Chakra or Vishuddha Cakra is the fifth chakra from the bottom, is located at the neck and associated with communication, listening, creativity and the ability to purify what we put out in the world. This class focuses a practice on speaking your inner truth which includes breath of fire (kapalabhati pranayama) lion’s breath (simha pranayama), neck rolls and stretches and more. At the end of the class, you will practice Vishuddha Chakra Mudra and chant the beeja mantra “HAM” associated with Vishuddha Chakra. Props suggested: yoga blocks

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Yogavatar® Glow with R2: The Fundamentals of Vinyasa Flow (II) 75min Level-1

Whether you are new to yoga or just new to Yogavatar® the basics of every style are a strong foundation for your practice. Vinyasa fundamentals are short beginners program to get your yoga practice right from the get-go.

Learn how to begin to practice a vinyasa style in a safe and strong way so that you can move through a full class feeling confident and having a better understanding of the postures. You will review something different on each class, from the concept of ujjayi breath to the foundational postures such as downward facing dog, plank pose, chaturanga, upward dog, warrior l, warrior ll, and high lunge.

This is a perfect place to start if you are feeling unsure and a bit overwhelmed with what a full class. Remember that this is just the beginning and the more you practice the easier it will get. So bring your mat and a couple of blocks and let your journey begin.

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Yogavatar® Zen with iRyne: Unlock the 7 Main Chakras (Week-4) Open Yourself to Love Anahata Chakra 60min Level-1

This will be a 7 weeks program, in the sequential order you will practice to unlock one chakra with relevant yoga postures, a mudra and beeja mantra associated with the chakra. You will practice the sequence for that chakra once a day for one week until the next chakra. The Heart Chakra or Anahata Chakra is the fourth energy center from the bottom, located in the middle of the chest near to the heart. The fourth chakra function as your spiritual center, which helps you to grow a loving connection to yourself and others by cultivating compassion, empathy, joy of being alive and truth. This class focuses a practice on surrendering to the power of love with the support of yoga blocks – Puppy Pose (Uttana Shishosana), Reclined Hero Pose (Supta Virasana), Bridge Pose ( Setu Bandha Sarvangasana). You will also use a massage ball or tennis ball for heart meridian subscapularis release. At the end of the class, you will practice Anahata Chakra Mudra and chant the beeja mantra “YAM” associated with Anahata Chakra. Props suggested: yoga blocks, massage ball/tennis ball

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Yogavatar® Glow with iRyne: Pisces Season Yoga 90min Level-2

The sign of Pisces energy healing, compassionate, sensitive, creative and mystical. On a physical level, Pisces governs the feet, lymphatic system and liver. Join iRyne Yogavatar for a fluid sequence that focuses on cultivating stability, strengthening and stretches the feet. The most natural yoga pose for this spiritual sign is Matsyasana (Fish Pose), which is the peak pose for this class. When you practice this pose it helps to open up your heart and throat, the spaces of intention and truth and helps balance your emotions. Throughout this class you will apply Matsya Mudra (Gesture of the Fish) that will provide energy. And when you practice this mudra regularly it will increase your memory power and sharpens brain! Although this yoga class is designed specially for Pisces, ANYONE, can enjoy it and reap the benefits. Let’s practice! Props suggested: yoga blocks.

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