Yogavatar® Glow with R2: Rise & Align (III) 60min Level-1

This 60-minute yoga class will include mindful movement and alignment aware asana (physical practice) as well as breath. R2 opens this strengthening yoga class with a centering practice and gentle warm-up. After that, you’ll move on to sun salutations, wide stance squat, goddess sequence, dynamic core strength training, camel, side-bending, forward -bending, and supine hip mobility sequence. You’ll then conclude with savasana relaxation.

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Yogavatar® Glow with R2: Rise & Align (II) 60min Level-1

This 60-minute yoga class will include mindful movement and alignment aware asana (physical practice) as well as breath. R2 opens this strengthening yoga class with a centering practice and gentle warm-up. After that, you’ll move on to sun salutations, triangle sequence, garland, cobra, supine twist, plough and fish. You’ll then conclude with savasana relaxation.

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Yogavatar® Glow with iRyne: Poorna Bhujangasana An Invigorating Backbend 60min Level-3

Poorna Bhujangasana or Full Cobra Pose is an invigorating backbend that can feel like an exciting journey. Ideally in this class you will work toward an even bend along the whole spine, including your neck. To create an even, pain-free Poorna Bhujangasana, you will learn how to engage your abdominal muscles in the poses – they act as the guide rope that keeps you safe. Props suggested: wall space and yoga blocks

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Yogavatar® Glow with R2: Rise & Align (I) 60min Level-1

This 60-minute yoga class will include mindful movement and alignment aware asana (physical practice) as well as breath. R2 opens this strengthening yoga class with a centering practice and gentle warm-up. After that, you’ll move on to sun salutations, standing pose, tree, eagle, dynamic warrior II, side angle, abdominal strengthening, backbends, twist, and forward-bending. You’ll then conclude with savasana relaxation.

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Yogavatar® Glow with iRyne: Building Strength for Pincha Mayurasana 60min Level-2

Landing on a challenging posture such as pincha mayurasana (forearm stand) doesn’t happen overnight. But when you practice pincha mayurasana consistently you will build confidence. In this Yogavatar Glow class you will cultivate, strength, openness and stability for a safe and sustainable pincha mayurasana; with a series of transition poses from standing to side plank to standing balance. You will also practice variations of malasana (garland pose) in gomukhasana arms to strengthen the abdominals and opening the shoulders in preparation for pincha mayurasana. Props suggested: wall space

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Yogavatar® Glow with R2: Start A New Beginning with 21 Sun Salutations 60min Level-1

Start a new year, new day, or any new beginning by setting a strong intention or Sankalpa to complete 21 rounds of Sun Salutations, bringing you into strong resonance with the fire of transformation and purification. To begin the session, R2 will lead you into setting your personal Sankalpa. Following a warmup, we will practice 21 rounds of Sun Salutations continuously and finish the practice with a warm down stretch and short guided relaxation. Wishing you a happy, healthy, and abundant 2021!

Surya Namaskar is an ancient practice to express respect and gratitude to the sun, which is the main source of energy for all living being on earth.

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Yogavatar® Glow with iRyne: Are ready to put all your weight into your arms and standing with your hands? 60min Level-3

Handstand can build a lot of confidence, enthusiasm and passion in us. In this class you will be doing strength-building and awareness-building with transitions of standing poses, variations of downward facing dog and flying split arm balancing. You will use the wall space to practice your handstand so that you are not terrified of going upside-down; with the back facing the wall and side body facing the wall. Props suggested: wall space

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Yogavatar® Glow with R2: Back to Basic (IV) 75min Level-1

R2 opens this strengthening yoga class with a centering practice and gentle warm-up. After that, you’ll move on to sun salutations, tree pose, a triangle to pyramid pose to revolved triangle sequence, garland, crow, reverse plank, seated twist poses, forward bending, a supine hip-mobility sequence, inverted plough, fish, and happy baby pose. You’ll then conclude with savasana relaxation.

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Yogavatar® Glow with iRyne: Anchor the Mind With Asana 60min Level-2

Cultivate an experience of inner ease and a clear, calm and tranquil mind. This Yogavatar Glow sequence will help you refine and expand your awareness in classic poses such as hand to foot pose, revolving side angle pose, revolving triangle pose, half moon pose, side planks and headstand pose. Props suggested: wall space and yoga blocks

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