Yogavatar® Glow with iRyne: Pisces Season Yoga 90min Level-2

The sign of Pisces energy healing, compassionate, sensitive, creative and mystical. On a physical level, Pisces governs the feet, lymphatic system and liver. Join iRyne Yogavatar for a fluid sequence that focuses on cultivating stability, strengthening and stretches the feet. The most natural yoga pose for this spiritual sign is Matsyasana (Fish Pose), which is the peak pose for this class. When you practice this pose it helps to open up your heart and throat, the spaces of intention and truth and helps balance your emotions. Throughout this class you will apply Matsya Mudra (Gesture of the Fish) that will provide energy. And when you practice this mudra regularly it will increase your memory power and sharpens brain! Although this yoga class is designed specially for Pisces, ANYONE, can enjoy it and reap the benefits. Let’s practice! Props suggested: yoga blocks.

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Yogavatar® Glow with iRyne: Desires Manifested In Reality And So Fulfill The Wishes 110min Level-2

This Chinese Lunar New Year 2021 is the Year Of The Ox, the 2nd animal in the Chinese Zodiac. The Ox personality is persistent, stable, honest and patient. And also with strong faith and willpower, they can always realize their goals. In this CNY special theme class you will be doing sequence showing movement and strength and stability in a steady way realizing your desires. It is created using the variations of Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) and Surabhi Mudra (Cow Mudra) giving the importance to the Metal Ox as per Chinese tradition. It is a great year to see your planted seeds and hard work yield results—practice to bring your dreams to reality. 新年快樂!

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Yogavatar® Glow with iRyne: Building Strength for Pincha Mayurasana 60min Level-2

Landing on a challenging posture such as pincha mayurasana (forearm stand) doesn’t happen overnight. But when you practice pincha mayurasana consistently you will build confidence. In this Yogavatar Glow class you will cultivate, strength, openness and stability for a safe and sustainable pincha mayurasana; with a series of transition poses from standing to side plank to standing balance. You will also practice variations of malasana (garland pose) in gomukhasana arms to strengthen the abdominals and opening the shoulders in preparation for pincha mayurasana. Props suggested: wall space

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Yogavatar® Glow with iRyne: Anchor the Mind With Asana 60min Level-2

Cultivate an experience of inner ease and a clear, calm and tranquil mind. This Yogavatar Glow sequence will help you refine and expand your awareness in classic poses such as hand to foot pose, revolving side angle pose, revolving triangle pose, half moon pose, side planks and headstand pose. Props suggested: wall space and yoga blocks

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Yogavatar® Glow with iRyne: Be Luminous and Enjoy the Flight 60min Level-2

In this class you will practice Upward Firefly Pose (Urdhva Thithibhasana) with confidence and luminous. Expect variations of deep forward bend at the hips and work up ample strength to support the pose; and activate the legs with enough energy to facilitate the lift and bring lightness to the back body so you will experience a sense of “taking flight”. Props suggested: yoga blocks.

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Yogavatar® Glow with iRyne: Hands-Free Glow 60min Level-2

This class doesn’t involve any upper-body weight-bearing, maybe just what you’re looking for. This class is dynamic focuses on standing poses and seated poses with arm variations (bounded in mid-air). So, get ready to feel the burn on Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana), Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana), Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana) and Boat Poses (Navasana), all while keeping your hands and wrists happy. Finally, take a wonderful mild backbend and stretches every muscles in the thigh in Reclined Lotus Pose (Supta Padmasana). No props.

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