Yogavatar® Zen with iRyne: Got gut discomfort 60min Level-1

Got gut discomfort? This class sequence not only relieves a wide range of symptoms but also restores energy. With a combination of deep breathing, these 8 poses – cat cow pose, garland pose, peacock prep pose, knee to chest pose, reclined twist with bend knees pose, left-side lying shavasana targets abdominal organs, massage and wring out stuck intestinal toxins. With better digestion comes more energy. Props suggested: yoga blocks

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Yogavatar® Zen with R2: A Hip-Focused Zen Sequence 75min Level-1

In our sitting-centered culture, the hips are highly susceptible to both underuse(weakness) and inflexibility (tightness)—a very unfortunate coupling that can lead to a plethora of afflictions. Because of this, the hips can be a nuisance for a lot of us. Yoga can be an excellent tool for relieving tight hips and for releasing problematic tension that may potentially impinge the sciatic nerve. This 75 minutes Zen practice is focused on lengthening, rather than engaging, the musculature and connective tissues surrounding the hips. However, please note that if this practice causes irritation, it is wise to check with your doctor or physical therapist, as you may need to strengthen your hip girdle before stretching it.

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Yogavatar® Glow with R2: Flow with the Sun Salutations 60min Level-1

This dynamic flow-focused class begins with centering in vajrasana. After that, you’ll warm up with gentle movements before moving into 5 rounds of sun salutation sequence which have also includes warrior 1, 2, 3, side angle and revolve side angle in the flow. Cooling down with pigeon and supine twist at the end before concluding in a savasana relaxation.

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Yogavatar® Glow with iRyne: The Road to Wheel Pose 60min Level-2

You’ll begin with standing poses to open up the sides of the body, the lower back and shoulders with arms binding around. You’ll also prepare to explore your back bending range with tiger pose, camel variation and wild pose towards wheel pose; which is the peak pose for this class. Finally, you will wind down with supine thread-the-needle pose and corpse pose to complete the practice. No props.

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Yogavatar® Zen with iRyne: Liberate your Lower Back with Twisting 60min Level-1

Back discomfort usually where you’re holding tension and causes imbalances. In this class, you will practice twisting yoga poses that helps to realign the spine, strengthen your body and remove toxins from the organs and refreshes the whole body system. Props suggested: yoga blocks

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Yogavatar® Zen with R2: Better Digestion 60min Level-1

In this 60-minute yoga class, some of the poses will gently massage the digestive organs, which may alleviate gas and improve digestion. Other poses are intended to strengthen the spleen and stomach chi (vital energy). As some of the poses gently compress the digestive organs, you may want to wear pants without a tight waistband. You’ll also want one to two blankets or large towels, a bolster, and two straps (optional)

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Yogavatar® Glow with R2: Stability and Strength 60min Level-1

R2 opens this strengthening class with gentle movement for warm-up. After that, you’ll move on to sun salutes, a warrior Il to side angle pose, goddess with twisting variation, boat pose and plank for core awaken, cobra and camel back-bend poses, seated twist, forward bend, then lying down for hip-mobility sequence. You’ll then conclude with savasana.

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Yogavatar® Glow with iRyne: Flip Your Perspective 60min Level-2

Flip Your Perspective. Headstand the king of asana. What does it take to meet the king? It takes a lot of preparation and focus in order to meet the king of asana. In this class, you will focus on 3 things – hips flexibility, shoulders flexibility and core strength to get you ready foundational to do the king of asana so you can meet the king. Finally, a long Shavasana to complete the practice. Props suggested: Wall space

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Yogavatar® Zen with iRyne: Release Hips Tension for a Healthier Back. 60min Level-1

This class is designed to help you to release tightness in your hips and relieving lower back tension and keep the lower back healthy. So get grounded doing a breath-filled sequence that includes seated and reclined poses to stretch inner and outer hips. Finally, a long Shavasana to complete the practice. Props suggested: yoga blocks and wall space.

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