In this class you will practice long hold inversions with the support of a chair. When you work with your capacity and stay with your breath there is a benefit effect on the lymphatic system, which gives a boost to your immune system. Give your heart a break in this class! Props suggested: chair, yoga mats, cushion.
Yogavatar® Zen by Felice: Be Fearless and Love Yourself 60min Level 1
In this heart chakra awakening class, we’ll take things slow. Started with abdominal breathing, followed by a series of warm-ups and restorative yin practice and ended with Abhaya Hridaya Mudra with guided meditation on self love affirmations, we’ll let go the tensions and negativity and infuse more self love and positive vibes into our practice on and off the mat.
Yogavatar® Glow with Felice: Unlock The Freedom in Hips 60min Level 2
Hips don’t lie! When your hips are tight, it will often lead to the stiffness or discomfort in our joints and muscles. In this class, we’ll explore different kinds of asanas to work on the hips opening which includes our hip flexors, hips rotations, hamstrings, adductors and so on to improve the hips mobility and flexibility.
Yogavatar® Glow with iRyne: Puppy Power 60 min Level-2
Puppy Pose or Uttana Shishosana is primarily a heart opening posture. This class is designed to expand your upper body and release accumulated tension through puppy pose variations. The pose is a bliss! No props.
Yogavatar® Glow with iRyne: Part 3 Challenge Yourself Up The Wall – Strength and Endurance 60min Level-3
Take your yoga practice to the wall with slow yet challenging movements and build strength and endurance progressively. The sequence features few arm strength and backbend postures and transition to Full Handstand. Props suggested: wall space
Yogavatar® Zen with iRyne: Unlock the 7 Main Chakras (Week-6) Trust Your Intuition Ajna Chakra 60min Level-1
This will be a 7 weeks program, in the sequential order you will practice to unlock one chakra with relevant yoga postures, a mudra and beeja mantra associated with the chakra. You will practice the sequence for that chakra once a day for one week until the next chakra. The Third Eye Chakra or Ajna Cakra is the sixth chakra from the bottom, is located in the middle of your head, between the eyebrows. The Third Eye Chakra controls your ability to perceive, think creatively and use your intuition. It also governs your self-awareness, self-realization, imagination and ability to envision all of your dreams. This class focuses on meditation, affirmation and pranayama as the Third Eye Chakra is more responsive towards such practices. At the end of the class, you will practice Ajna Chakra Mudra and chant the beeja mantra “OM” associated with Ajna Chakra. Props suggested: yoga blocks.
Yogavatar® Glow with iRyne: Part 2 Challenge Yourself Up The Wall – Strength and Balance 60min Level-2
Take your yoga practice to the wall with slow yet challenging movements and build strength and balance progressively. The sequence features a few standing postures and transition to Split Leg Handstand. Props suggested: wall space
Yogavatar® Glow with Tai: Arm Balance Yoga Flow 60min Level-2
Discover your potential & build strength with Tai in a 60 minute arm balance yoga flow. This class is all about strength, stretch and steadiness. Awesome sequence to prep for Bakasana, Crow Pose!
Yogavatar® Zen with iRyne: Unlock the 7 Main Chakras (Week-5) Speak your Inner Truth Vishuddha Chakra 60min Level-1
This will be a 7 weeks program, in the sequential order you will practice to unlock one chakra with relevant yoga postures, a mudra and beeja mantra associated with the chakra. You will practice the sequence for that chakra once a day for one week until the next chakra. The Throat Chakra or Vishuddha Cakra is the fifth chakra from the bottom, is located at the neck and associated with communication, listening, creativity and the ability to purify what we put out in the world. This class focuses a practice on speaking your inner truth which includes breath of fire (kapalabhati pranayama) lion’s breath (simha pranayama), neck rolls and stretches and more. At the end of the class, you will practice Vishuddha Chakra Mudra and chant the beeja mantra “HAM” associated with Vishuddha Chakra. Props suggested: yoga blocks
Yogavatar® Glow with iRyne: Part 1 Challenge Yourself Up The Wall – Strength and Flexibility 60min Level-2
Take your yoga practice to the wall with slow yet challenging movements and build strength and flexibility progressively. The sequence features a few standing postures and transition to L-Handstand. Props suggested: wall space