In conjunction with International Yoga Day on 21 June 2021 : Be Like The Lotus And Let The Beauty Of Your Heart Speak. The spiritual meaning of the lotus is a symbol of light and beauty coming out of the darkness. It opens the heart chakra and represents feeling the joys of life and feeling of oneness with all of creation. In this Lotus Gesture Glow class you will begin with an affirmation “I rise above life’s challenges with ease and grace”. Throughout the class you will apply the lotus gesture which helps to purity the body both mentally and for physical health and make you more calm to move into the peak pose Lotus Gesture Forearm Stand (Pankaj Mudra Pincha Mayurasana). Finally, the class will conclude with a mantra of good fortune and abundance, both spiritual and material. Let’s practice! You can self-practice a short Shavasana at the end this class. Props suggested: wall space, yoga blocks, yoga strap.
Yogavatar® Glow with iRyne: Taurus Season Yoga 90min Level-2
Taurus is the second of the 12 astrological signs and is represented by the bull constellation. Taurus natural element is Earth. Hence, Taureans are grounded and trustworthy with a great head on their shoulders when it comes to practical matters. As such, the neck is under the influence of Taurus that include throat, vocal cords, tonsils and thyroid. Taurus Season Yoga class is designed to get you into a grounded groove and embody the qualities of the slow and steady bull and can build foundations and activate your voice, improve metabolism and release tension on the neck and shoulders. You will practice low-range to mid-range yoga poses with neck movements and applying Ujjayi Pranayama (Victorious Breath). Finally, to complete the Taurus Season Yoga with Brahma Mudra which is a complete healing therapy for the eyes, neck, mind, spine, throat, shoulders and hypothalamus and thyroid glands. Although this yoga class is designed specially for Taurus, ANYONE, can enjoy it and reap the benefits. Let’s practice! Props suggested: yoga blocks.
Yogavatar® Glow with iRyne: Aries Season Yoga 90min Level-2
The zodiac sign Aries is bold and ambitious. The colour for Aries is red. As the sign of persistent Ram and its sturdy horns, Aries dives headfirst into even the most challenging situations (which is appropriate, since Aries rules the head and neck in the body). Aries are driven by a desire to prove themselves and their strength, and being undefeated. These may bring about tension in the head and neck. Aries Season Yoga class is designed to gather and release stagnant energy and stress that’s been stored in these areas. You will practice standing yoga poses with the head diving toward the ground while the arm binding around the back ready for battle. Asides, you will also practice standing backward bending, side bending and abdominal works to balance the energy at Manipura Chakra or Solar Plexus Chakra. Finally, to complete the Aries Season Yoga you will practice 2 Mudra (Hand Gesture), Musthi Mudra (Fist Gesture) which helps to throw away negative emotions and Meshayudha Mudra (Sheep Fighting Gesture) to build courage or firmness. Although this yoga class is designed specially for Aries, ANYONE, can enjoy it and reap the benefits. Let’s practice! Props suggested: yoga blocks.
Yogavatar® Glow with iRyne: Pisces Season Yoga 90min Level-2
The sign of Pisces energy healing, compassionate, sensitive, creative and mystical. On a physical level, Pisces governs the feet, lymphatic system and liver. Join iRyne Yogavatar for a fluid sequence that focuses on cultivating stability, strengthening and stretches the feet. The most natural yoga pose for this spiritual sign is Matsyasana (Fish Pose), which is the peak pose for this class. When you practice this pose it helps to open up your heart and throat, the spaces of intention and truth and helps balance your emotions. Throughout this class you will apply Matsya Mudra (Gesture of the Fish) that will provide energy. And when you practice this mudra regularly it will increase your memory power and sharpens brain! Although this yoga class is designed specially for Pisces, ANYONE, can enjoy it and reap the benefits. Let’s practice! Props suggested: yoga blocks.
Yogavatar® Glow with iRyne: Desires Manifested In Reality And So Fulfill The Wishes 110min Level-2
This Chinese Lunar New Year 2021 is the Year Of The Ox, the 2nd animal in the Chinese Zodiac. The Ox personality is persistent, stable, honest and patient. And also with strong faith and willpower, they can always realize their goals. In this CNY special theme class you will be doing sequence showing movement and strength and stability in a steady way realizing your desires. It is created using the variations of Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) and Surabhi Mudra (Cow Mudra) giving the importance to the Metal Ox as per Chinese tradition. It is a great year to see your planted seeds and hard work yield results—practice to bring your dreams to reality. 新年快樂!
Yogavatar® Glow with iRyne: Wow! Over Your Head! 90min Level-3
In this 90 minutes class you will attempt Shiva Pose, it is a blend of Compass Pose and Reverse Table Top Pose. Shiva Pose it is a complex pose involving a lot of muscles group. You will need to have a strong core, strength and flexibility in the lower half of the body; with the practice variations of Compass Poses, Reverse Table Top Poses and other poses will lead you toward Shiva Pose. Suggested props: yoga blocks, yoga strap
Yoga For Scoliosis with iRyne Yogavatar 100min Level-1
If you suffer from scoliosis, this 100-minutes yoga practice will help alleviate discomfort and realign your spine. Yoga Approach to Scoliosis: • Must be done in perfect starting position • Must be active to align, not passive • Focus on strengthening rather than stretching • Need to consider 3 dimensional issues • Must be cumulative throughout the session to be effective • No hanging of any sort if scoliosis is at lumbar area to avoid collapse afterwards
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